
Successful re-certification

Bild: Narz und Heinrichs halten die Urkunde in der Hand

[Translate to English:] Sebastian Narz (links) und Waldemar Heinrich mit der Urkunde. Foto: Narz




narz systems GmbH & Co. KG in Herbstein is certified as having successful information security management.

HERBSTEIN - Herbstein-based narz systems GmbH & Co KG has successfully re-certified to the international standard for IT security (ISO 27001), the company reported in a press release. The re-certification certifies the company to continue to manage their information security management according to the requirement of a globally recognized standard.


However, the new IT Security Act 2.0 is also increasing requirements in Germany, especially for critical infrastructure. Operators of critical infrastructures (KRITIS) must prove that their IT security is state of the art in accordance with §8a BSIG. "We have been certified in accordance with the international standard for IT security ISO 27001 since 2018, making us a pioneer in our industry. In 2021, the first re-certification took place," Managing Director Sebastian Narz was pleased to say. "IT security and data protection are central topics for us in our operations, we invest a lot of time and effort in regular training for all employees so that compliance and dynamization to new risks work without a doubt. We guarantee a high IT security standard because we serve many customers with critical infrastructure who also specifically ask for high IT security." The re-certification audit by an external auditor lasted three days and was accompanied by Waldemar Heinrich (Senior ISB): "We were put through our 'paces' until the audit was completed." According to narz systems, the company was again able to meet the high requirements of the ISO 27001 guidelines without further ado: "However, this was no surprise for us. We work with great care and with the latest IT security technology to create our systems more and more secure and data protection compliant," reported Waldemar Heinrich proudly. As a service provider of digitization solutions for companies and public institutions, narz systems GmbH maintains a business building for software development and switchgear construction with around 25 employees at the Herbstein site.


Lauterbacher Anzeiger, Wednesday, 20.10.2021